Thursday, January 10, 2013


I know, this post is so 5 minutes ago. That's me for ya, a few steps behind everyone else.

I am not usually one to make resolutions for the new year, but this year is different. I am finding myself more in-tune and with that I need to make a few changes. Some, more serious than others. Here are the things I couldn't help but focus on.

1.  Wear more long skirts. I just feel good in them.

2. Complete a large home improvement goal that I set for each month.

    -January, paint the kitchen - doors, trim, walls and cabinets
    -February, get rid of old basement windows and install glass block windows
    -March, put up privacy fence on the poodle side of the yard (they are terribly vicious toward S and our chickens sneak under existing fence)
    - The rest are yet to be made

3. Reduce screen time dramatically. Several months ago we moved our only T.V. down stairs to Jordan's man room. Now it is time to eliminate computer time when S is awake. I feel he gets anxious if I am on my computer and that makes me feel terrible. Plus, he will only be little once. The computer will always be there, but my baby will not. It's time to recognize. So far, so good.

If I think of anymore, I will be sure to add them.

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